2nd Annual Buffalo Exchange Dinner (Sept. 23, 2005)

Join us for the 2nd Annual Buffalo Exchange Dinner in Pueblo, Colorado to support our Adopt-A-Buffalo program and to celebrate the releasing of our 3rd seed herd of buffalo for a family on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. The evening will feature a BBQ dinner, speakers from the Pine Ridge Reservation and a performance by the Brave Heart Drum Group.
Event Date: September 23rd, 2005
Event Time: 6:00pm
Event Location: On the Pueblo Riverwalk, in the Lake Elizabeth Pavilion, at the corner of Victoria & Greenwood.
Cost: Free: ($20.00 for dinner and a portion goes to support the project)
To attend contact: David Bartecchi, 970-218-5157 or david@villageearth.org