Village Earth and Wounded Knee EDA Partner to Repair Waste Treatment Facility

Village Earth and the Wounded Knee District Economic Development Association (EDA) met with the Wounded Knee Community Council to develop a plan for repairing the waste water system in their village. According to community residents the system has been overcapacity for several years and has been backing up into their homes. Another concern is that the system is polluting a nearby stream through seepage and when it overflows. Initial plans include getting the proper authorization from the Tribal government for the community to repair and maintain the system on their own, completing an assessment from a qualified engineer, developing a blueprint and budget for what needs to be done to fix the system, and accessing the necessary resources for the project. Eventually, the community plans to train a local caretaker to monitor and maintain the system. A priority of the group was to try to engage the community in the project as much as possible so they would feel a sense of ownership and would be willing to maintain the system on their own without having to depend on the tribal government, state, or outside organizations.

Above: the current waste treatment facility at Wounded Knee

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